

Good Morning!
While I am standing here in the kitchen, eating my waffles, I'm hearing the news (or rather, reading it). We are expecting a snowstorm! It's About Time!

The girls and I are getting ready to go to church, just Sabbath school today. The crazy weather people are predicting -9* today, WITH a windchill! I really would just like to go back to bed, under my three blankets (one being electric). Snow is expected to start after noon-time. I really wish those crazy weather people would find a better job... the weather listens to them! It does just what they say! Man! The power they must have! I wonder what would happen if the people who report car crashes had that power! Or sports!

But besids that, it's darn cold here. I dont even want to go outside, my nose freezes. Hannah and Leah had better wear enough clothes today, I won't take complaining about cold. They didnt HAVE to come. lol

Time to go get a mocha and another round of waffles (or would it be a square of waffles?). I'll write again this afternoon when I get back.
Huge Hugs!

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