

It's hard to be responsible, adult and sensible all the time. How good it is to have a sister whose heart is as young as your own. ~Pam Brown

How do people make it through life without a sister? ~Sara Corpening

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty


Silly Stuff

Hey there folks! It's the day after Christmas. That was fast. Hmm.

So, I'm headed out to school next week. Yeah, I keep bringing that up, I guess I'm just trying to get myself ready for it or something. Who knows.

OH! Just so everyone knows, I'll be getting a new cell number soon, cause my phone won't work in TN, the roaming charges will kill me. Once I get the new phone and number, I'll let you all know what it is. Not on here though. lol

So, yeah, just being kinda bored. I'm sure there's something I should be doing, but right now, I dont want to do it. I'd be happy to just go to bed.... mmmm, bed....... Don't know why I'm so sleepy. Oh well.

The pic I added here is of two of my favorite people. Jordan and Sammy last weekend. They adore each other, it is SO cute!!

Well, that's all. I'm gonna head out for now. Will post again later!



Merry Christmas!

Christmas has come, and not quite gone yet. I hope you all had a wonderful day filled with happiness and family and fun! If anyone would like to see how my holidays have been so far, there's some pics up! The link is : HERE!

Anyways, time for me to go. Much love to all!



Ok, yeah, it's been a while since I last wrote. Sorry! I spent a week at Jordan's. It wasn't supposed to be a week... was supposed to be home on Wednesday.... but it didnt work out that way for a few reasons. lol (wink to Jordan)

Life has been busy. I'm not even packed for school yet. I leave in a week and a half! I'm so excited! Sadly, Jordan won't be driving down with us, he'll be leaving later. But it's ok. Today was my last week in church. I will be in Maine next weekend. And then I go!

Next weekend is New Years AND 5 months! Yippie! I'm wicked excited about that too. Jordan is coming with me and my family to Maine to meet all my crazy relatives. From there we are heading to Boston for New Years. Yes, I'll be bringing my camera. Yes, there will be pictures. Yes, my Aunts will be fawning over Jordan... heehee

On a sad note, on the way home from church today, on the side of the road, was a heartbreaking sight. There, pushed over the white line by hundreds of passing cars, the poor thing sat. It had been in the prime of it's life! Seeing it brought tears to my eyes. Yes, on the side of the road, splattered and left to die, was a box of icecream. A moment of silence, please...

Ok, yeah, thats all! I've been gone all week, so now I'm gonna go spend the rest of Christmas Eve with my family. Much love to all, and Merry Christmas!!



oh the joys of boredom!

Hello my friends!! The holidays are upon us, and they are cold, wet, and white. Yup. SNOW! I'm not big on the cold. But I like having a white Christmas, so it's ok.

Today was my last day at work. I'm SO gonna miss those dogs!!! SO MUCH. Not even all of them were there this week. I only had to take care of 8 dogs. The rest went up north with my boss. The older dogs, and the obnoxious Downey, are all I had to take care of. I miss my Kipp, and my puppies, and my Hawkeye and Pilot, and my Rocky! And all the rest! (dont miss Seavey much though.) Yeah.... my puppies....

My last class was Thursday. I'd hardly call it a class though. We ate pizza and talked the whole time. But it was fun. Hard to believe I was in that class for 15 weeks! My last paper that I had to turn in, and got back last night, was a big hit. I did a research paper on the history of Crayola Crayons! Who knew that the creaters of crayons also were instrumental in the BLACK color of our tires? They were originally white! ha! There's a ton of other cool stuff about the makers of Crayola Crayons. Check it out sometime, or let me know, and I'll send you my paper. heehee (NOT a plug, honest!)

So yeah, it's pretty cold right now. We got some more snow today. It's not bad.

Oh! Major good news! My parents have to pay about $1200 towards school. But it's a monthly payment that they are used to making, so it's ok. Other then that, I only have to come up with $77.00!! Everything else is covered!! WAHOO!!!

Oh, and I'm back in the dorm again. If I stayed with our friends, the school wouldn't give me any more money, but if I stayed in the dorm, they would give me $3000. So yeah, that kinda made the decision for me. haha! I've got 2 and a half weeks left, and then we go! YAY!!! I'm so excited! But keep praying for me, please! I need it!

My Jordan is home! He drove all night Wednesday night, and got home around 6 Thursday morning. But he's home, he's safe, and he's coming to see me tomorrow!! Ahhh, I love him SO MUCH. He's incredibly wonderful. (DON'T SAY IT, JORDAN!)

Yep, that's the fun going on in my life lately. I'll try to post more often, but who knows how busy I'm going to be.

Love and hugs (and kisses to Jordan)!


Hey, guess what!!!


Look out the window...again...

It's snow! Yes, it started this morning, and it snowed HEAVY. We've got close to a foot now, if not more. About 2 inches an hour!! Crazy stuff. I guess it's that time of year though... Hmm...

Hey! I have news about school! I just got $2000+ knocked off my bill for this semester! Family friends of my parents work at Southern, and not only are they doing whatever they can to find me scholarships and other monies, but they have also offered to have me live with them so I dont have to pay for the dorm!!! Yippie!!! God is good!!!

So yeah, all in all, I'm pretty happy right now. :)

And now the sun is coming out, and it looks so pretty outside! I think I must go take a picture!



Look out the window...

See the glow? Right there, on the horizon. That's Concord, NH. We have officially been lit up for Christmas.

I drove home the back way tonight, to avoid shopping traffic, and there were so many lights on the side of the road, I could have turned my headlights off and still been able to see the road clearly!!

White lights are IN! Apparently. Which is OK, cause I love white lights. But they are EVERYWHERE! There are these funky white light coils out now. Ya stick the stick at one end in the ground, and stretch it out, and stick the stick at the other end in the ground, and it looks like friendly barbed wire!! Ha!

There are also twisty white "trees," and fake trees that are really just all lights, and fiber-optic trees, even!!! Lights are out!! Well, not really.

The funniest things I've been seeing are inflatable "things." A couple weeks ago, I saw an inflatable turkey. I've seen an inflatable football player. Now, I'm seeing inflatable christmas-y things! I saw two inflatable snowmen tonight. One was standing tall and proud, watching over the elves and gnomes accompanying him in the yard. The other was standing further back, humble, and actually bowed over. It looked like he was tipping his hat to me! I liked that one better.

And then I saw it. I dont know why it was there. I dont know where it came from. I saw... an inflatable spongebob squarepants, with a big black belt and a santa hat, climbing out of an inflatable chimney. Why? I don't know.

So yes, the glow on the horizon is Concord. White lights, colored lights, big lights, sheets of lights, snowmen, trees, santas, and candles in every window. Electric bills will be high by mid-January!

I'm trying to get into the spirit of things, trying to listen to Christmas music more, trying to think about shopping for family... But I've got so much other stuff on my mind at the same time, it's been really hard to think about the season. I'll probably be ready for Christmas by January... maybe February...

Pray for money for college! That's all that could stand in my way right now. We're working towards getting the money we need, but it's a long and stressful process. So please keep me in your prayers!

Hugs to everyone!


Sammy's Proverbs


Extreme Boredom

Real Name: Ashley
Nicknames that have been made up for you or you've been called: Ashy, Fish, Red Hot, Babe

Gender: all girl

Birthplace: Concord, NH

Birthdate: 2-3-86

Currently live in: NH

Currently live with: Family

Have any brothers, sisters: brother, 3 sisters

Eye color: blue

Height: 5'6"

Contacts/glasses: glasses

Hobbies: reading, writing, talking/singing, that about sums it up.

Do you play any sports?: I can thumb wrestle...

Piercings: nope

Tattoos: nope


School name: soon to be Southern Adventist University, OH YEAH

Colors: dunno

Favorite Subject: english

Least favorite subject: math, but apparently I'm good at it.

Have you ever failed a class?: not yet, but give me time

If so what?: n/a

Favorite teacher?: haha me!

Least favorite teacher?: ditto!

If you could have any teacher fired who would it be?: n/a

If you were a teacher what subject would you teach?: PARENTING! lol nah, probably english of some sort

Are you going to college?: Oh yeah, and SOON!

If so, what one?: see above

Whats their mascot?: duuuuuno

What do you plan to major in?: photojournalism, or something close to it

What do you want your career to be?: freelance something


Color: green, blue, black

Type of music: christian, country

Group(s): casting crowns, rascal flatts, barlow girl, lonestar... could go on and on and on

CD: at the moment, Lifesong ~ Casting Crowns. but it changes weekly

Video: uhhh dunno.

Vacation Spot: any beach

Place to hang out: starbucks, downtown concord (main st.), and anywhere my friends are

Holiday: thanksgiving

Season: fall

Day of the week: NOT Monday

Sport: not big into sports

Sport to watch: ditto

Family member: I will not play favorites... but Sammy's pretty cute... most of the time.

Store: target!

Hair style (for guys): short, whatever looks good on the guy

Hair style (for girls): whatever

Website: MINE! ha

Country: Scotland, and I'll go there someday too.

Smell: fresh brewed coffee

Food: I dunno... something yummy

Kind of book: sweet romances probably.

Planet: Mars, the guys from there are pretty cute. ;-)

Sandwich: hot turkey with mayo on toast. great way to take care of T-day leftovers

Favorite joke: I tell jokes badly.

Poem: dunno

Color of clothing: black goes with everything.... or earth tones.

Word: inimitable

Animal: my huskies! (gonna miss them!)

Pet: used to be a cat... but I think I'm turning into a dog person.

Radio Station: WOKQ 97.5 COUNTRY BABY!

Television station: hallmark

Electrically powered device: my phone!

Quote: cant pick just one...

Quote about love: "I love you with all my heart and kidneys!"

Thing to do on a hot day: beach, just enjoying the warm

On a cold day: sleep in my warm bed, or find a fireplace, or cuddle with my hunny

On a rainy day: warm or cold rain?

Number: 2

Color of m&m: green

Type of tree: birch

Disney movie: beauty and the beast

Street name: umm... mutton rd?

Soda: dr. pepper or coke or sprite or fresca...

Magazine: dont read them often

Cologne: whatever it is that Jordan wears...how do you spell that one?

Perfume: mine. lol

Coin: quarters

Football team: uh... patriots? dont watch much football

Gum: trident cinnamon currently

Jolly Rancher: watermelon

Weather: sunny and warm or warm and kinda rainy

Vegetable: tomato?

Shape: a circle.. like a ring.... ;-)

Actor: Johnny Depp

Actress: Anne Hathaway probably

Computer game: solitaire

Ice-cream flavor: that vienna mocha chunk we had recently was pretty good

Board game: monopoly or clue

Cereal: yummy Fruit Harvest

Island: umm... dunno

Athlete: hmm

Language: english, but I love listening to french


Are you going out with anyone?: yes I am!

If so who?: Jordan Wagner

How long: just over 4 months

Do you have a crush: you could say that

If so, who: my hunny

How long have you liked them: long enough. ;-)

Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend: Mike

Who was your first kiss: Mike

Have you ever been dumped: no

Have you ever dumped: yes, twice

Do you want to get married: yes, definatly

If so, what age: let's see.. *counts* 21 isnt too bad

If everyone was single and everyone eligible who would you go out with?: Jordan, no one else could measure up.

+light or shadow? light

+christmas eve or new years eve? hmmm new years

+mosh pit or orchestra pit? orchestra

+ideas or emotion? emotion
+ferris wheel or haunted house? ferris wheel
+belly dancing or kick boxing? kickboxing

+pierced nose or pierced tongue? no thanks

+camp counselors or lifeguard? lifeguard ;-)

+glasses or contacts? glasses

+tortoise or hare? tortoises are COOL

+palm trees or evergreens? palm trees

+asparagus or broccoli? asparagus

+moonlight or sunlight? yes

+destiny or chance? destiny

+smile or eyes? smiling eyes

+popularity or kindness? kindness

+passion or compassion? compassion

+party animal or teddy bear? even mix

+horse and carriage or private jet? horse and carraige

+friday or saturday night? saturday night

+musician or rocket scientist? musician

+dancing in the street or singing in the rain? dancing in the rain. lol

+acoustic or electronic? acoustic

+barney or big bird? big bird

+blonde or brunette? brunette

+your best friend's current girlfriend/boyfriend or last one? well, at the moment, Jordan's my best friend, so I think I'll say current.

+poems or paintings? poems

+old movies or music videos? old movies

+freedom or money? freedom

+smell or taste? taste

+flubber or fluff? fluff

+instant messenger or telephone? both

+superheroes or supervillans? heros!

+your temper or a supernova? arent they the same? lol

+feet on the ground or head in the clouds? well grounded, but within reach of the clouds

+boxing or ballet? ballet

+snakes or snails? snails

+your crush or brad pitt? my crush

+stripes or polka dots? stripes

+funk or folk? folk

+guinea pigs or ferrets? hampsters!

+dictionary or encyclopedia? dictionary

+curly or staight? yes

+elbows or knees? knees, cause I can sit on 'em.

+shy or assertive? assertive

+tropical island or big city? island paradise!

+multiplication or division? multiplication

+basketball or bowling? bowling

+numbers or letters? letters

+laughter or tears? laughter

+sugar or spice? both please

+innie or outtie? uhh, either?

+fred flintstone or barney rubble? Barney Rubble, he didnt yell as much

+a single rose or a dozen? either or

+geek or freak? geek

+chat room or face to face? face to face

+girls or boys? I'd have to say boys.

+fish or fowl? to eat? fish, cause I dont get it often

+class clown or class flirt? I'd probably be the flirt

+rugrats or little rascals? little rascals!

+surfers or psychics? surfers

+denim or silk? I live in denim

+desert island or penthouse apartment? does the penthouse have a hottub?

+wild or wise? both

+candlelight dinner or afternoon picnic? both

+convertible or motorcycle? motorcycle

+bacon bits or croutons? croutons (just dont stab them)

+peacock or parrot? peacock

+first kiss or the flirting that leads up 2 it? oh, both, definatly. heehee

+campfire or fireplace? campfire

+lemony fresh or chocolaty delicious? chocolatey delicious

Tis the Season...

...For thinking about all our blessings. I got the following post through my email a few days ago. Check it out, and think about it. :-)

I am Thankful...











































For Jordan, with love!

Baby, I'm-a want you
Baby, I'm-a need you
You're the only one I care enough to hurt about
Maybe I'm-a crazy
But I just can't live without...

Your lovin' and affection
Givin' me direction
Like a guiding light to help me through a darkest hour
Lately I'm a-prayin'
That you'll always be a-stayin' beside me

Used to be my life was just emotions passing by
Feeling all the while and never really knowing why...

Lately I'm a-prayin'
That you'll always be a-stayin' beside me.

Used to be my life was just emotions passing by
Then you came along and made me laugh
And made me cry...
You taught me why...

Baby, I'm-a want you
Baby, I'm-a need you

Oh, it took so long to find you, baby

Baby, I'm-a want you
Baby, I'm-a need you


Whatcha wanna know...

...about me?


Anyways, yeah, new "About Me" section. ha.

Grey Skies Shining

Today has been really grey and cloudy and gloomy. It's so hard to be cheerful on days like this, especially when life gets you down all on it's own. Then, when you're already down, it has to be gloomy weather on top of it. Nice, huh? It was rather interesting when I was at work this morning though. It had gotten really grey and dark, it looked like it does in the summer, right before a 5pm thunderstorm. You know how that is.

So, I was out in the excersize yard (I can never spell that word) scooping poop, which is what I do, and it got all dark and crazy. And then, it started getting lighter and lighter, and as it got lighter, it started to rain. The lighter it got, the heavier it rained. Now, I have to tell you something about the yard. The dogs like to dig. And they dig a lot. And they dig deep. So, there is one area where they have dug about 5 holes all near each other. Right now, it's just a big muddy mess that usually gets spread on me when the dogs jump on me, but it's also filled with water. Well, when it started raining like that, where the raindrops hit the water in the holes, it sounded EXACTLY like one of those indian rain sticks. I couldnt believe it!! It sounded so pretty!

Then it got dark again. The stresses in my life right now did contribute to the gloom, but we wont go there right now.

This evening, I had to make a run into town to take some stuff to the dump, and make a deposit at the bank. Pretty normal stuff. It was grey on the way to the dump, icky. But, on the road from the dump to the bank, when I crested this one hill, there in front of me was the most gorgeous sunset I've seen in a while... probably because it had been so gloomy, and I didnt think there would even BE a sunset tonight.

The sky infront of me was amazing. It went from the grey gloom to a little bit lighter. The clouds didnt look so thick. And then it got a little lighter, and a little brighter.

And then, to my awe and amazement, the sky turned orange. It was SO orange, and bright, and glowing. And right in the middle of this glowing sky, was the sun. It wasn't just any sun, it was a bright, glowing, golden sun. After so long (it seems) of no sun, this was such a beautiful sight. I wanted to pull over and just watch it. By the time I saw it, the sun was at that point where it would disappear into the horizon in minutes. But I had a time limit, and I couldnt just watch. But it was such a rich, bright color, it just made you feel warm inside.

I made my turn, reluctantly, and continued on my way. By the time I made it to the bank, which was just about 2 minutes away, it was gone. Everything was kinda gloomy again, except for the horizon which still had the blue-silver color to it.

I did my thing at the bank, and headed home. By now, the colors had all disappeared, but left behind in the air was a soft rosey color. Everything had a pink hue to it, but the sky was in no way pink. It was amazing.

Now it's just dark outside. No stars, too many clouds. But maybe tomorrow will be bright. One can only hope...

Shhh, I'm sleeping...

yes I am! I really, really am!


Yeah, so, I am just feeling so overwhelmed with this one thought of mine. (thats a confuzzling sentence) I keep thinking this thought, and it wont go away. Every time I manage to think about something else, I see something or hear something that reminds me of my thought, and then I'm thinking about it all over again! When I should be sleeping (like now) I think this thought. When I should be doing homework, I think this thought. When I'm in class, I think this thought. The first thing I think about when I wake up is this thought. I just can't get away, it's always there.

I guess the only way to get to sleep right now is to get this thought out in the open. Think you can handle it? I hope so... cause I need to share. Are you ready? Here goes....


Ahh, I feel so much better now! Time for sleep.

Goodnight! :-)


Roasty Toasty Ashy

I like woodstoves.

They are warm.

I like being warm.

And they smell good.

Woodstoves are my friend.

Do you like woodstoves?


Dont Cry Over Spilt Fresca

Hello World!!!

I just dribbled fresca on myself. Go me!

I just had a wonderful weekend! My Jordan came up to pick up his car, and I went down to spend the weekend at his house with him and his parents. Last I knew, he'd have to leave Saturday night to drive back to Southern. When I saw him Friday night, he told me he was able to stay until Sunday! Yay!!! It was so good to see him!! Only about 3 more weeks until he's home for Christmas break. Yes, life is good.

Today my mission was getting in touch with Southern. I did get a hold of the Dept. head of Journalism. Yippie! He and I have been emailing back and forth all afternoon. Now I'm just waiting to hear from admissions and the FinAid depts. I may call them tomorrow. I need to call about the ACT too... And pull together a $250 commitment payment. Ahh, so much to do!

I can't wait to get down there. Hopefully my car will be working again by then... We can hope... otherwise I have no clue HOW I'm going to get down there, how I'm going to get my stuff down there!

Well, I suppose thats all for an update right now. I'll write again soon!


Out Of Time

Out of time. What does that make you think of? Deadlines? Too late?

How about I give you a new way to think of being "out of time."

Read the words to this song:

So, you're hungry for a taste of the other side
Where the grass is thick and green
But your feet are on familiar ground
Frozen and afraid of what you might lack
Oh, if that's all that's holding you back

Come on, step out of time
Fall out of line
Leave a mark they cannot erase
Find your heart and lose your mind
Watch the journey unwind
And let it be a new day
Out of time

How's your story gonna read
When they call your name
And it's all there in black and white?
Will you follow? Or will you lead?
Will you quietly disappear?
Or is the whole world gonna know
That you were here?

It's time to be free
It's time just to live what you believe
What you gonna do with the life you're living?
What you gonna do with the time you're given?
When you're free, you have been forgiven
Now come on and step out of time

So, what do you think of that? Take a step out of time.


Just wanted to share that!


Southern, Here I Come!!

I got accepted!!!!! I got an email from them this morning (in responce to the one I sent them last night) and I'm in!!!

I still have to take the ACT, but I can do that when I get down there.

I'm really going!!!! And I'm going soon!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!! So excited!!!

I can't wait! And I did it *almost* all by myself! heehee, I'm a big girl now!



Yeah, yeah, it's been a while...

Ok, due to a few demands (Jen and Jordan) I'm posting once again!

I know, it's been a couple weeks since I posted last, but I've been kinda busy...

Work has been work. Getting kinda tough now that it's getting colder. I really dont do cold well. (Tennessee, here I come, just a few degrees warmer and I'll be happy) Last week I worked over time. My boss was on vacation, so I had to feed the puppies in the evening too. On top of that, I've been sick. Icky. Still sick. My head is so full of... well, you dont want to know about that.

As for the good (HA) news... we're down to just Aaron's truck and Mom's van. My car is broked! My car is not happy right now. It had a run in with a pile if gravel and dirt. Yeah. My radiator got pushed back into the engine, my hood was jammed shut from the inside, fans and belts and headlights.... if you just look at the outside, it doesnt look too bad. But if you look closely, it looks painful. My poor car!!! Very sad... (and NOT my fault, just so you know)

I made a ducktape purse for someone last week! One of the girls from my class saw mine and loved it. She bought me the duck tape for it, plus extra, and I made it over the weekend. Yay for me! My first order! :-)

And some more good news! I get to see Jordan this weekend! Yay! He's flying up to pick up his car. heehee Happy me, I get to see my hunny!

Ok, that's all now. I've updated, I've posted, my fans should be happy now. *wink*

Love and hugs!



The snack that smiles back, Goldfish!

Ok, now, with that out of my system....

So, life is good, dontcha think?? Especially the cinnamon Life....

Alrighty, my life is finally looking like it's starting to go somewhere! Somewhere outside of NH! Yahoo!

I got my FAFSA filed yesterday, only have one more thing I need to do for that before I find out how much funding I can get. I talked to Southern yesterday about some things I was wondering about. As soon as I get my transcripts, I'm gonna mail them and my GED scored down to the school, and then we'll find out if I'm accepted!

PRAY PRAY PRAY!!! I want to get down there in January!!

Ok, thats all!


It's a Coffee Sort of Day.

Yep, yep, yep. Coffeeeeeee.

So, how's the world doing today? Doog? Doog.

I probably should have titled this post "procrastination" since that's all this is. I have homework to do, people to call, but I just feel like writing a little bit.

So, I called Southern yesterday about the ACT. Good news! They are offereing th test several times between December and January! I should have no problems getting into one of them.... provided I get accepted.

That's one of the calls I have to make today! Call Admissions and ask them a few questions.

Hey, I just went outside, it's almost 70!!!!! well, ok, 65. But still!! After freezing my butt off over the last few weeks, this is nice!!! I hope it lasts through the end of the week, I'd love to work in warm weather again! Been sooooo coooold....

Well, I'm off to find some food, scrounge I think it's called... Then it's to the homework!! dun dun dun....

Much love to all!


I'm at it again....

Yes, I've been busy again. Ducktape is fun! This here is my new ipod case!! Did you know they made CAMO DUCK TAPE????? How cool is that?!

I also made my black purse tonight. It looks awesome!

I need to find a place that has more colors... maybe Michael's... will check there this week probably.

Thats all for now!


"Passion" ~ Kutless

Here's a song for you. Think about it.

Within my mind's eye
Flickering from the past
Come images that terrify and calm
A paradox in me

Nail pierced hands they run with blood
A splitting brow forced by the thorns
His face is writhing with the pain yet it's comforting to me

He chose to give it all
Jesus endured the pain
Paying a debt I owed and created a paradox in me

Nail pierced hands they run with blood
A splitting brow forced by the thorns
His face is writhing with the pain yet it's comforting to me

And in my heart I know that you're the only one
Who could have come and died, a sacrifice
As your God's only son

Nail pierced hands they run with blood
A splitting brow forced by the thorns
His face is writhing with the pain yet it's comforting to me



Hey now, this is cool.

I was just flipping pages in my Bible, something I do every now and then when I dont know where to read, and I spotted something I'd highlighted a long time ago.

1 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

The Message says "bold and loving and sensible."

Three things. Power, that's easy, everyone loves a power trip. A lot of people try to make an impact with the power they hold, their position in the church, their presumed authority. These aren't bad, but when used all by themselves, they dont really make a difference except to make people feel not good enough and smothered.

Love. That one can be easy too. Love everyone, welcome everyone, accept everyone. That's great, but what happens when someone needs correction? Do we just keep accepting everything, hoping we can love them into changing?

Self-discipline. Ooh, the clincher. No one likes discipline. That's a baaaad word.

Or is it?

When we combine all three of these, we get a pretty good balance, dontcha think? God tells us to use the power He gives us, the love He gives us, but to be "sensible" with it!! Ah! Its all so clear now!

Just a thought!! Comments welcome. :-)

What Boredom Brings...

My latest project!! Isn't it cool??? Jordan inspired me, along with Amber. Amber made a purse once, but I didnt really think about it... then Jordan made me a wallet, and I thought, 'hey, wait a second...' So here we go! Took me not even an hour to make, longer to write the quotes on it, cause I had to find them. lol

By they way, that is ducktape, decorated with Sharpies. Fun stuff!!

Now both my sisters want one... Time to hit up Wal*Mart for more ducktape! I'm thinking orange... maybe red...maybe a combo! Hmmm Maybe I'll make myself a little black purse.. you know, for dressing up. heehee

Well, I think I have to make a dump run for Mom, then it's off to Laconia for a meeting.

But first.




Life is Good!

Ok, I want to post, but first things first. Cookies.

back in a sec....

*elevator music plays* (have you noticed that not many elevators even PLAY music???)

Ok. Back.

My Jordan was here last week!!!! Yay!!! We picked him up from the airport on Wednesday, it was all I could do to not run past the "Do Not Enter" sign when I saw him. It felt so good to hug him again... We spent the rest of the week just spending time together. I loved every second of it. He left at 4:30 Sunday morning, so he could catch his 6:30 flight back to TN. It has never been so hard to say goodbye to someone. But! He's coming home again in 49 days!

I love you babe.

So yeah... at the moment, I dont really have much else to talk about. I'm still flying high from seeing Jordan. Cloud 9, I think they call it. ;-) I'll write more later.



Almost!! Jordan comes TOMORROW!!! I am SO excited! Approx. 22.5 hours... not that I'm counting or anything...

How am I supposed to concentrate in class tonight?
How am I supposed to work in the morning?!?

Jordan's coming!!!



One more post...I think...

I am SOOOOO happy!!!

My Jordan is coming to see me on Wednesday!!! I'm so excited! Mom and I go to pick him up at the airport Wednesday afternoon. I can't wait to see him!!! It has been two loooooooong months since I've seen him. And now I get to see him! Yay!!!!!!!!

Ok, I just had to share that. heehee


Did I see what I think I saw????

I'm not sure... I had to rub my eyes a little... but there was something outside today... It was very strange. I hadn't seen anything like it in soooo long, I'd forgotten what it looked like!! I had to squint to look at it. Not sure if you guys saw it too or not... I think it even made the news!! Dad said he saw it today too... but only in some places. The wind blew it away sometimes... but it kept coming back. What was it?????


Lookie Lookie!!

Thankees Jenny!! She sent me this pic tonight. Aint it cute?? This is what we did for Saturday Night Live at camp. Crazy stuff. At least there was no eyeliner involved this time.... *wink*


Roses are red....

...And pink, and yellow....

Yep, that there is a picture of the roses my sweetie sent me. Aren't they beautiful???

Just wanted to share.



Happy Birthday!!!

Fun fact for today:

October 8 is Inimitable Introspection's birthday!!!

Yes, one year ago yesterday, the adventure started, the quest into the inner workings of Ashley's mind. And we still haven't gotten there yet.

Forward on!


Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch

Rain is just misting now. I checked out about half of the road. Hurray for Webster Road Services! The chasm at the end of our driveway has been filled with sand and neatly packed! I made it about half the way down the road before I decided I didnt need to go any further. I could hear the trucks working down at the other end, didnt see a lot of damage. The little back road is safe once again form the terrible invading waters! Yippie!

It's Raining, It's Pouring....

Well, it certainly did rain last night... and allllllll day yesterday. There are now many reports of flooding in NH. The news has been reporting on it all morning. Roads are closed, some roads have had to evacuate, two propane tanks were washed away and are leaking, so a big area is closed. I've seen pictures of cars parked in driveways with water flowing over the hood.

I haven't yet walked out to check out our driveway and our road. I'm sure there's a LOT washed away. The last time we had major rain, which was a couple days earlier in the summer, the road was seriously washed away. They dug some major ditches along most of the road, to try to direct the water, but our driveway wasn't fixed. We'll probably need a bridge over the moat out there now.

We actually have a puddle out in our yard thats pretty big.

Well, I think I'm gonna go get dressed and go check stuff out. I'll take pictures and if there is anything worth showing, I'll post it.


Have I Told You Lately....

That I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts....

So, it's raining. I mean Serious rain. Has been since last night. Non-stop. HEAVY rain.
Like, somehow knocked the power out last night.
Like, could take a shower out there.
Like, sounds like a marching band on the roof.
Like, I wonder if we'll have a driveway or a moat in the morning.
Like, dig a hole and let it fill for a swimming pool.
Like, if only it was warm, thundering and lightning-ing and it'd be perfect.


So, away from the water topic. How's life? Just fine, thanks for asking, how's yours?

woah. I dont think I want to sit like that. my KNEECAP fell asleep... weird.

Yes, I am in a very random mood tonight. Forgive me. I just dont know what color to use, so I'll change it again. Let's see... I think I want to be purple now. Purple is good.
So, I was thinking yesterday (scary, I know) while I was cleaning Kipp and Seavey's kennel. What a pair. Both bachelors. Both players (meaning not fixed). What if they were people? What would they be like? Here's what I came up with.

I'll start with Kipp. The older, more mature dog. When he was in that kennel alone, it was always the cleanest kennel. He never pooped IN his kennel, and very rarely did anything else. He ate and slept and was happy.

But then, due to other doggie issues, Seavey had to move in. The bachelor pad had a new roomie.

But anyways, I was telling you about Kipp.

Kipp is the older dog, so I picture him as an older guy. He is one of the sweetest dogs, most of the time. He'll jump up on the table while I'm cleaning so that when I walk by, he can reach out and lick my as I walk by. Such a flirt.

If he were a guy, he'd probably be big into theater. Broadway shows, expencive resturants, yacht clubs, black tie affairs. He'd probably be loved by the ladies, both old and young. He wouldnt be able to settle down with just one girl for life though, but when he does have a special lady, she is treated like a queen. Once the relationship was over though, they'd still remain friends, getting together when he was in town, maybe rekindling the romance for a night...

He's usually pretty even tempered, but if another guy picks a fight, he'll not back down. Sometimes some strong words (or growls) are exchanged, but thats to the restraint Kipp has (a fence in most cases) nothing serious comes of it. It's all just noise.

But when it comes to a lady's honor, that's a whole different story.

Celebrity alter-ego? James Bond...picture Pierce Brosnan.

And now, I'd like to introduce you to Kipp's current roommate, Seavey.

Seavey is one of the younger dogs. He's the one that, as soon as you put him back in his kennel, he will go right to the clean water bucket, and stand in it with his front paws, splashing fresh drinking water all over.

Since moving in with Kipp Seavey has proceeded to trash the kennel. He poops everywhere, and both dogs have been vying for the territory, so there is pee everywhere. He's also been chewing on the doghouses, leaving woodchips everywhere.

He's the upstart, trying to find his place, but having a blast doing it.

Seavey is the wild one. He's cute, and he knows it. He picks on the oldest dog, Nemo, constantly when they are out. When he's in the kennel, he picks fights with another youngster, Downey, always from the safety of his pen. All talk, no action. Just noise.

Seavey would be the partier were he a guy. Out every night, coming home at 3 in the morning, probably drunk. Or he'll host parties in the apartment, and leave them for his roomie to clean up. He thinks he's God's gift to women. Never had a serious girlfriend, but lost count of all the one-night-stands. Bad with names, but seems to attract the girls who dont care what you call them.

Favorite movie? American Pie

So, there's a little insight into the characters I work with... I mean, my dogs. ;-)

Wow it's kinda late now! I think I'm gonna close this for now. I'll write again soon. If it's raining again tomorrow, I'll be here, and I'll be bored, so I'll write.

much love!


Big Fish

Little pond.

Spreading my wings.

"She needs wide open spaces..."




Curly or Straight, that is the question....

Ah, life, gotta either take it or leave it, dontcha? And if ya leave it, it just keeps on going without you, hardly waiting for you to change your mind and catch up. Funny how that works.

Do you ever feel completely alone in a huge crowd of people? Or claustrophobic when you are all by yourself? Hmmm....

And why is it that the days I want my hair curly, it dries as straight as it possible can, but when I want it straight, it curls right up? Grrr... time to pull out the straightener....

So yah, now that I have all that out of my system....

I have a stuffy nose! Argh! So annoying. I'm either sniffling, or I can't talk straight. I really dont like being sick. Who knows if I am really sick, or if it's just leftovers from my big cry last night. Either way, it can go away now.....

I've got an hour before class. I'm looking forward to the time away. As every day goes by, I get a little more antsy. I feel like I'm running out of air to breathe, space to move, room to think. And I dont know how to fix it.

But on the bright side, my Jordan is wonderful. I can't thank God enough for him. I can't tell him how much I love him. He's my best friend, my confidant, my love. I miss him so much, but I am SO looking forward to seeing him again. It's almost time for midterms. Half way there!

So yah, I suppose that's it for now. Can't think of anything else to write right now... Maybe later tonight. Hmmm...


Sherbert for Breakfast!


One of the pluses to not being able to eat solid foods, I get the good stuff, like sherbert!!

I'm recovering pretty well, surprisingly. Hopefully I'll be good as new SOON! It's only been two days, and I'm sick of this. (Well, not sick of the sherbert...)

My honey is off being an athlete today. He's taking part in a triathalon! I wish I could be there on the sidelines, cheering him on, but I'm stuck here. Next time! I love you, babe!

So yeah, I suppose thats just a short post. I might have more to post later today, we'll see.

Hugs to ya!


By The Way...

I have got the worlds greatest boyfriend!! He sent me 18 baby roses, yellow, red, and pink, for our 2 month anniversary!!!!

But thats not all.

They arrived yesterday, the day I got my teeth pulled. Now I get to recover with the lovely smell of roses in my room.

I love you, Jordan!!!

The Tale of 4 Teeth

They are gone! Gone! My childhood wisdom is gone forever with my wisdom teeth!

Ok, I'll explain. Yesterday morning, I woke up at 6:45. By 8, Mom was getting used to driving my car as we headed to the oral surgeon's. I'll never forget my Doc's name. Rosato. Sounds like pasta. Mom and I were laughing about it while we were sitting in the waiting room. The nurse came in. dun dun dun. She got me settled into the chair, hooked up to the machine (those pads were COLD!), and the blood pressure cuff, which squeezed my arm every 5 minutes. Almost 10 minutes later the Doc came in too. He layed the chair back, and slipped this thing over my nose, I'm sure i looked goofy. Then they plugged my hand into the IV. That wasnt too bad at all. For my first IV, I expected it to hurt more. Not so! hardly felt a thing. Giving blood hurt more. Then the Doc said he was going to give me a steroid to help with the swelling. I remember the nurse chuckling about how she has to do things in a certain order every time. I remember nothing else. 30 seconds tops from when they started the IV until I was out.

The next thing I remember was them telling me they were going to bring Mom in. Recovery! Dont really remember much about my time in that room, I was kinda touch and go. I do remember I got a ride out to the car in the wheelchair, but I dont remember the ride at all. I dont really remember the ride home either. But I DO remember how numb the lower half of my face was. I couldnt feel anything on my chin or lower lip!! Or my tongue, which is a very weird feeling. The first time Mom changed the packing in my mouth, I just about passed out.

I slept on and off, with ice inbetween, but since I couldnt feel my mouth, I couldnt take any meds. Half of my face came back to life pretty quick, including half of my tongue. At least I could drink now. The other half of my face was still coming back by the time I went to bed last night. It felt all tingly every time I touched it, like a foot that fell asleep. This morning, I can feel my whole mouth just fine.

I haven't had any of the gauze in my mouth since yesterday afternoon, and I start salt water rinses today. blech. But such is recovery.

The good part is, I'm hardly swollen at all. One side of my face, the side that came back sooner, isnt' swollen at all. And the other side is a little bit. No chipmunk cheeks for me! Wahoo!

So, there's the tale of my 4 teeth. Not too gory, actually. I'm gonna go ice my face now, and probably sleep some.

love and hugs.


socks and flip-flops

So hot! Oh yeah!

Anyways, so how am I? I am peachy! I am missing my sweetie like crazy, but I'm surviving.

Work is going well. I think I've finally got all the dogs matched with the right name. That was tough. Next I have to remember who gets fed how much and in which doghouse! Thats a little harder. But I totally love the dogs. They are all awesome! The funniest thing is when I'm cleaning the puppy pen... Brooks, the babysitter, usually just sits on the doghouse and watches me, waiting til I get close enough to give me kisses. But Spirit, the baby, is all energy. I've never seen a kid with that much energy!! She's psycho! But adorable. Most of the time I'm cleaning the pen, she's at my heels, chewing on my boots, or she's stuffing her muzzle down into my boots, or trying to pull my jeans out of my boots! When I move, she moves with me. It's so crazy!!

Class is going well too. I'm getting to know some of the people there. It's fun to get there early just to talk to people. We've been having issues with the vending machines though. First, only one of the two soda machines accepts dollar bills. The snack machine doesnt accept them either, and is running very low. The stuff that's still in there is... old. The soda machine is completely our of Dr. Pepper, which makes me sad. Whenever I want it, they are out. Hopefully they will fill up the machines today or tomorrow so I can have my Dr. Pepper on Thursday!

Friday is the day. I'll lose my wisdom....teeth. Yeppers, all four wisdom teeth are impacted. I can feel one of them poking through my gums too! Lucky me! I'll be going completely under for this, which has me kinda nervous. Mom's the only one going with me, so I'm not worried too much about being loopy on the way home. Needless to say, I won't be going anywhere this weekend. I'll be home with my vicaden and icepacks and sherbert. (so anyone going to the Deerfield fair, I wont be there, as much as I wish I could be!)

I suppose that's all for now. I'l gonna try to update more often!! Sorry I've been so behind.... I'll work on that.

I'm going to leave with these lyrics for my honey. I love you, babe!
"It's the sweet love that you give to me
That makes me believe we can make it through anything
'Cause when it all comes down
And I'm feeling like I'll never last
I just lean on you 'cause baby
You're my better half."



I have some good news, and some more good news!

For the good news, I got the scores for my GED!!! I passed by LOTS! :-D I needed a 450 average to squeak past. I got a 618. Yay!!! Highschool is now in my past! yippie!!!

The second bit of good news is........ drum roll please....

I GOT A JOB! Yay!!!! lol It's only part time, about 9 hours a week tops, but it'll be fun. It's at a Siberian Husky sled dog kennel about 5 minutes down the road. So cool!! I'm an official pooper scooper!! lol The dogs are totally gorgeous though. I think it'll be a fun job. I start on Wednesday. 31 dogs to feed, clean up after, and give meds to as neccessary.

The classes are going well, my second week with those is just starting. So far, I'm enjoying them. There are people from all walks of life there. Fun stuff!

Just so people know, there are new pics up on my website. A few other little things have been updated too. you can check out the site HERE!

Well, I guess that's it for an update right now. Will post again soon, I promise. :-)


Totally and Completely!!!

Yes, its true, I'm totally and completely in love! and I want the world to know it! :-D

I Love Jordan!!!!

There! That's all for now! :-)


It smells like....


Ok, I just got up. Need to work on that. Got water heating for some instant coffeeeeeeee... speaking of which, it's whistling now! be right back...

*elevator music*

I'm baaaaack!! With lovely coffeeeeeeee!

Alright, I suppose I need to go through the shower... people might appreciate that. Yah... going now...


Starbucks, Cashews, and a Psychotic Canary

It's Wednesday. Hump Day. Middle of the week.

And it's 3:18pm.

Sunny with a high of 75.

The Big Dig is still going on, only the excavation site has moved from my room to the front porch. All the stuff I put in boxes to just get OUT ended up on the porch, and now has to be sorted. This morning my room looked clean! Now, not so much...

Class started last night. It's a college transition class. We'll be going over study skills, english, math, and some other useful college info. Goes til the middle of December, just like a college semester. So far, so good, though I already have homework! Nothing too hard though. So, for the next 15 weeks, I'll be gone Tue. and Thur. evenings, from about 5:30 to 9:30 as the class is from 6 to 9.

Anyone want a bird? I have a psychotic canary that needs a good home. I have limited space in my room as it is, and the bird is taking up valuable space. I wont tell you how it likes to stick it's head thru the bars of it's cage... or repeatedly jumps from dish to swing to branch to dish to swing to branch.... making sure the swing hits the side of the cage every time with a BANG. Nice bird!

So, I got a new cd yesterday. Matthew West's "History". Very good, I highly recommend it! There are so many good songs on this cd, but with current events, both here and around the world, I want to share one particular song with you.

"When a nation cries
When a loved one dies
When we wonder why
I still know you're there
When nights are long
In a world gone wrong
There's still a feeling so strong
That tells me you're there
You're so undeniable
You're so unconfinable
And you're love is so reliable
And it tells me you're there

So if the whole wide world says
You're not there
Well, I still know you're there
And even if they call me crazy
I don't care
I still know you're there
And if they say there's no such thing
as heaven or a God who waits for me
I just point to the air
And I know you're there"

Thats just one verse and the chorus. Pretty cool, huh? It's something we have to keep in mind, with all the distruction resulting from hurricane Katrina, it can be easy for some to doubt God's presence. But this song reminds us that even though we are living in a dying world, God IS still there!! And He's got a reason for all of this. Whether it's just to bring out the "Good Samaritan" in all of us, or to let us know His coming is REALLY close, there's a reason.

I personally home He comes soon... I dont know how much more of all this I can handle. I'm ready to go home.

Another song from the same cd, really beautiful:

"There is a longing deep inside my soul
There is a place my spirit wants to go
It's far away from all these chains that bind
There is a world I long to leave behind

So I wait and I wait
I wait for the moment when You come for me
And rescue my heart from the pain that it's seen
Troubles are circling all around me
And I can't stop thinking

Just a few more days I'll be going home
Just a few more hours and I'll be flying
It could be any minute now
That You take me away
Or maybe just a few more days
A few more days

To you a day is like a thousand years
And only you know when the clouds will clear.
So, let me not forget and fall away
Because a thousand years could be today"

Interesting thought, huh? I thought so.

I checked out the Ace place where my brother works. They can't hire relatives of employees. Oh well. I picked up an application on the way home for a garden center/nursery on the way home. They said they didnt have any openings, but I could apply and they'd go from there. So who knows. I need to find a job.

I don't know how to go about it though, finding a job. I mean, if I am able to go to school in January, I'll have to quit whatever job I find here. But there's a chance that I wont make it to Southern in Jan. So what do I plan for now? Do I find a job and let them know I MIGHT not stay? Or should I just plan on staying? I dont know!! Ahhhhh!!!

Well, my Starbucks is gone now. The last of my stash. I think I need to go shopping again.

Time to get back to digging!
love and hugs!


Lunch Break!

Yes, I know it's almost 4pm, but I'm just now getting lunch. Why? I'll tell you.

Today, Labor Day, 2005, is monumental. Should be declared a national holiday! (wait a sec...) Why? I'll tell you.

What makes today so special? Why am I making such a big deal about it? Why am I only now eating lunch? Why do I have the equivalent of about 4 cups of coffee running through my system? Why do I stink? Why am I covered in dust and cobwebs? Why am I armed with a vaccum? Why am I asking you so many questions that you obviously don't know the answer to? I dont know.

But! Drum roll please.....

Today is the day I found my floor!!! Did you know I had a blue carpet? Neither did I!!!

Not only did I uncover my floor, but I also dragged out a bunch of junk, made a pile in the dining room and out on the front porch. And when that was done, I rearranged my furniture!!! My room looks so good now! I dont want to move all that stuff back in, it's so open and CLEAN!!! But I need to go through all my stuff anyways, and get rid of things I dont need, will never use, or that just collect dust.

When I look at the pile of stuff that's out here, I wonder how on earth all that came out of my room... my room is SMALL! I have no idea how it all fit in there! It's gonna be a looooong work in progress to get everything sorted out and back in there...or gone completely.

I want to paint too....the walls in there are... well... icky. It was my sisters' room before mine, and they kinda attacked the walls... crayon, pen, tape... time to clean up the place. If I can't get a bigger room, I might as well make mine tolerable. I need to find some funky colors to paint it. I think I'll check out the "Oops" paint shelf at my brother's work, see if there's anything I can use.

Well, lunch break should be over. I need to get back to work.


M&Ms, Twizzlers, and Sweethearts

Alright, I was reminded that I promised a post about my life, so here it is!

Well, the GED is done and over with, just waiting to hear back with my scores. Tuesday evening I go back to the place where I took the test. They are offering a college transition class that I'm gonna try to get into. It starts on Tuesday, and technically I have to have passed my GED. But by the time the class starts, we wont have the scores back yet. But! The lady I talked to said that I could come down and go through the process of starting the class. When they get my scores, if I dont pass, I'll have to quit the class. But if I do pass, I'll have not missed anything. Yay!! This class goes for 15 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. I'm starting to look forward to it!

My next venture is finding a job. I think I'm going to apply to the same place my brother is working. Ace hardware! Aaron likes it a lot, has nothing but good to say about the people there, and they seem to be flexable with their work hours, which will be good. I just need something to pay for my gas, clothes, and to start saving.

I opened my first checking account recently!! Yay! I feel so grown up now! I've had my savings acct for years, but now I have the power of... dun dun dun... CHECKS! muahahaha

16 weeks. 16 long weeks until I get to see my sweetie again. It seems soooooooo long! But he's been wonderful to me. I couldn't ask for a sweeter, more considerate guy. No matter how sad I may be, or how much I'm missing him, he always knows just what to say to make me feel better. He can always make me smile, even when I don't think I can. He knows me better than just about anyone. He's a mind reader! :-)

I just want anyone who reads this to know one thing.


So, those are the biggest, most exciting points of my life right now. As things progress, I'll keep y'all posted.

Much love and hugs!

The Beatitudes....a little different.

Hello friends!

I found something Sabbath that really caught my eye, and I wanted to share it with you all!!

In class, we were reading a story in the Insight about the Beatitudes. The story was written to make them real, current, easy to understand. Very well done. My curiosity was peaked, so I looked them up in my Message Bible. Ooooohhhhh, they were gooooood!! That's what I want to share with you now! Enjoy!

Matthew 5:1-12
When Jesus saw his ministry drawing huge crowds, he climbed a hillside. Those who were apprenticed to him, the committed, climbed with him. Arriving at a quiet place, he sat down and taught his climbing companions. This is what he said:

"You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.
"You are blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One who is most dear to you.
"You're blessed when you're content with just who you are -- no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.
"You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God. He's the food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat.
"You;re blessed when you care. At the moment of being 'care-full,' you find yourselves cared for.
"You're blessed when you get your inside world -- your mind and heart -- put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.
"You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That's when you discover who you really are, and your place in God's family.
"You're blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God's kingdom.
"Not only that -- count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What is means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens -- give a cheer, even! -- for though they don't like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble."

Whew! There's a lot more to it then you thought!!

I just wanted to share those with all of you. Hope you got something out of them! :-)
Must run now, got some more yard work to do before I can really sit down and relax. But when all my work is done, I'll post an update on life for you all.

Until then, much love and hugs!!


Good Eeeeeevening!

Hello friends, I'm back again!

Well, the second part of my GED test is done. Only one night to go! Tonights tests were social studies and science. I feel pretty confident about them. Most of the questions were just common sence, I really love multiple choice tests!! heehee Tomorrow night is the math test. Eek! I just need at least a 410 on it. That's it! Maybe I'll actually study for it tomorrow... hmm... nah, I probably wont. lol

We've been having fun lately introducing Sammy to classic Disney movies. We watched Cinderella twice yesterday, Beauty and the Beast this morning, and now we are watching Peter Pan. She's seen them all before, I think, but didnt really pay much attention. This time around, she's captivated! Can't take her eyes off the screen! :-)

Well, time to go. I've got a date with a webcam. ;-)


Hello my friends! Sorry it's been so long since my last post. Time ran away from me again! I really gotta get a leash!

Anyways, this past weekend I spent up at my Gram's. We had a nice time, just relaxing. Spent some quality time on the beach too, it was a beautiful day to go. Misty and gray, but warm. I loved it! I took a bunch of pictures.

Yesterday I took the first part of my GED test. I go back for the next part tonight, and the last part tomorrow night. Pray for me!! I really want to pass this!!

Gotta run for now, sorry this is so short. I'll write again soon... hopefully... :-)
Love yaz!


Student Driver?

Hello my friends! Ashley's thoughts and ponderings are back again!

I was driving today, and had my Stellar Kart cd playing in the car, (highly recommend) and the song "Student Driver" came on. I'm going to give you some of the lyrics, and then I'll tell you the thoughts I had as I was listening to it.

"Two hands on the wheel of my fate
Sweat running down my forehead
Cars passing me like we're in a race
I don't know what dangers lie ahead

'Cause I'm just a student driver
And I need Your help to guide me
'Cause on my own I'm nothing

Looks like the road ahead
Might be rough to take
Oh, no, I've spun out of control
Good thing my passenger has a brake
And he knows exactly where to go"

Not bad, huh? The song's got a little of a punky sound, really fun.

Anyways, my thoughts.

As I was listening to the song, I was remembering my own experience as a student driver. First of all, I remember my driver's ed teacher not only had a brake on his side of the car, he also had a mirror so he could see my eyes.

One time when I was driving, something off to the left caught my eye. As I was looking, the car drifted to the left, almost crossing the line.

Another problem I had was, I was trying too hard to stay between the lines. I kept my eyes on the road directly in front of the car, making sure I was evenly between the lines on the road. I couldnt see what was coming at me very well, and I still wasn't centered in my lane.

And when I kept looking at the speedometer, to make sure I wasn't going too fast or too slow, I'd be taking my eyes off the road too often.

My driver's ed teacher LOVED me! hahahaha

Eventually I got the hang of keeping my eyes on everything at once, staying in my lane, keeping a steady speed (70 is good, right?), and looking ahead of me, not just right infront of me.

When you think of all that in the context of the song I showed you, it's got a pretty good parallel, huh?

I kinda like the idea of Christ as my driver's ed teacher. Imagine the patience He'd have!

How many times do we get distracted by something on the side of the road and take our eyes off our goal? How many times do we get so caught up in watching our speed that we dont pay attention to much else? And how many times to we watch just what is right infront of us, and forget to look ahead?

Yet each time we make a mistake like that, our Passenger still keeps an eye on where we are going. He knows what's coming, and gently gets our attention back where it should be. He'll use that extra brake sometimes too, if we dont get the hint the first time.

Isnt that a cool idea?!