

Well, I've done it. I've gotten myself signed up for GED prep classes. I go in for orientation next Tuesday (3/8) at 1. From there, they will evaluate what I already know to determine what I will need for classes. I'm praying really hard that I won't need much, because I want this to be done before camp starts on June 10th. That's what most worries me! But I suppose I need to just leave it in God's hands and make sure my priorities are in the right order... But I can tell you, that's hard. It's hard enough to sign up for these classes in the first place, but it's got to be done. I have to start working towards college with a vengance!!! Well, ok, maybe not vengance... Maybe excitement? Commitment? I dunno... all I know is I have to work towards it if I'm gonna get there!

Next up, where do I go for college?! I am leaning heavily towards Southern for several reasons...But I dont know! I hadn't even considered that school until recently, but nothing is really telling me not to go there. Though, nothing's telling me not to go to AUC or Andrews either... so that doesnt help. I just need something BIG to tell me I DO need to go to Southern, or any other college for that matter! So if anyone has a really good reason why I should go to Southern, please tell me! I just need one good reason, one big nudge in that direction, thats all! I've finally settled on a major (for now) and Southern offers it! But so do AUC, Andrews, Union, they all do... So academics won't convince me. Ahh! Help!

Continue to pray with me about school... it's an ongoing struggle for me at the moment... Somedays I just want to give it all up because it frustrates me so, but I know I can't do that. There are other areas of my life right now that I tend to question sometimes, but school is the foremost. Keep my in your prayers!

Now that I've gotten all that written down, I'm gonna get going. Been reading through Acts today. Can you believe, in all of my 19 years, in all of my studying, I have never once read through Acts? It's crazy, I know. Well, I'm reading it now. I'm working up to reading The Great Controversy, and I want to have Acts under my belt first. Almost done!

Now I'm really gonna go. :-) Take care, hugs to all, a really big hug to someone special.

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