

Yep, today I feel like you-know-what.

We had to clean the church today... only a few more time and we are DONE! I can't wait. I really don't like that job anymore. So what if it's a little extra pocket money, it drive me insane.

My sisters were seriously PMSing today, couldnt say anything right around them. It rubbed off on my brother, my Mom, and me, so we were just one big PMSing family today! Oh Joy!

We got more snow last night. And wind too. Nasty combo. I am so sick of snow! Please, make it stop! Jordan, you're right, TN is warm! and Jack, sorry, but you're wrong. I won't miss the snow. And Jeremy... well... uh... hi!

I am now sitting here, in front of my computer, with a healthy dose of comfort food. Just finished a Hersheys cookies and cream bar...now I'm on to the Junior Mints. My Coke is sitting nearby.

Here's a question. Why do they make it possible to close a box of Junior Mints? It's right there, "TO CLOSE INSERT TAB IN SLOT" Who needs to close the box? It says right on the side of the box, "Serving Size 1 box" so why close it? They won't even last long enough to have to close the box!

Ahem. Anyways.

What I'm really wanting are Twizzlers. But they didnt have any in the racks by the checkout... Next time though...

Yeah, I was thinking on the way home today that I really need to email Kelly about something... but now I have absolutely no idea what it was. It's gone!

You know, I realized something last night as I was falling asleep...but I can't write it here, because someone may read it. (Yes, it's about someone who reads this... that narrows it down to what, 2 people? lol) When it's time to write here, I'll write it... maybe..... hehehehe

Well, that box of Junior Mints is gone. (what do they call the BIG boxes of Junior Mints? Jumbo Junior mints? hmmm) I guess I should go in search of real food before I break into anymore junk food...not really hungry though... oh well.

That's all for now folks!

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