
to sleep, or not to sleep... this is the question!

Man, I am sooo tired right now. It would be so easy for me to crawl into bed and sleep the afternoon away!

I saw an old friend in church today... I hadn't seen him since November, and when I did see him, well, it wasn't the best situation. Today he was by himself, and was friendly enough, but I still dont really trust him. He really blew it in November, and right now I dont know if I really want to spend time with him. He and his girlfriend really hurt me, and I dont even know why. I don't know if I should try to talk to him about it. I dont know if I should just let it go and pretend nothing ever happened, pretend I was never hurt. I dont think I can do that.

Oh well... I guess I dont need to worry about it right now.

On a brighter note, I think a friend of mine from church will be coming to the prayer retreat in May with me! She asked me about it today, wanted a registration form! She's a sweet girl, I've been having fun getting to know her, I really believe she will get something special from this retreat.

There's someone else I'd like to have join me at the retreat, but he's insisting on staying in Thailand until the day after the retreat... I think he's just trying to avoid me. ;-) (haha! Just giving you a hard time. :-p)

Today we had a men's rally at our church, so they had their own special Sabbath School, and the women had another class. I was the chosen one to lead out the women's class. I had a topic, knew what I was going to talk about (which is why I'm so tired, was up until 1am working on it), but I was incredibly nervous. I'm not big on being the center of attention. But it worked out OK. When I was finished, and had only used up 15 minutes of our SS time, we brought whoever wanted to down to our new prayer room, and had an On Holy Ground time, which was really special.

Ok, now I am really tired. And my head and knee are both starting to throb. Time to sleep! Hugs to everyone! :-)

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