
Ok, so I lied....

I'm back! I was going to go, but then a song came on, by Martina McBride. It's brought tears to my Mom's eyes, and means a lot to me as well, and I want to share the lyrics with you. It's called "In My Daughter's Eyes" but it could very well be called "In My Sister's Eyes" :-) Enjoy!

n my daughter's eyes I am a hero
I am strong and wise and I know no fear
But the truth is plain to see
She was sent to rescue me
I see who I wanna be
In my daughter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes everyone is equal
Darkness turns to light and the
world is at peace
This miracle God gave to me gives me
strength when I am weak
I find reason to believe
In my daughter's eyes

And when she wraps her hand
around my finger
Oh it puts a smile in my heart
Everything becomes a little clearer
I realize what life is all about

It's hangin' on when your heart
has had enough
It's giving more when you feel like giving up
I've seen the light
It's in my daugter's eyes

In my daughter's eyes I can see the future
A reflection of who I am and what will be
Though she'll grow and someday leave
Maybe raise a family
When I'm gone I hope you see how happy
she made me
For I'll be there
In my daughter's eyes"

Isn't that an amazing song? My sisters, all three of them, are amazing human beings. They really are miniature adults at times. Hannah and Leah are almost ten, and well on their way to woman-hood (which makes me feel REALLY old). I'm gonna have to keep a bat handy when the guys start calling for them!! heehee, thats my job as big sister. *wink*

Sam, wonderful Sam, is such a handful! She's talking quite a bit now, but even more amazing than that is her facial expressions. Sometimes, she'll do something she knows she shouldn't do, and when you try to correct her seriously, she'll look at you with this look, and you really have to struggle to not laugh out loud. She's a manipulator too! She'll get someone mad at her, and then come over, look up at you with Puss-In-Boots eyes, and ask for a hug. So hard to stay mad at that kid. lol And then, a few nights ago all of us kids were home while Mom and Dad were at a board (bored) meeting, and Sam was being a menace! Finally, we got her wrapped up in a big fuzzy blanket, and I pulled her up in my lap. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep. She is so peaceful when she's sleeping! So quiet! But after a while, she gets really, really heavy!

We've finally taught her "please" and "thank you", though it doesnt actually come out like that. Instead, we get "peas!" and "tanks!" So adorable! She loves her "do-do" (cocoa), and alwys asks for a "sip" of our coffee, even though she knows she can't have any. If she wants you to go somewhere with her she'll give you a pleading look and ask for your "arm" and will drag you along behind her, holding on to a thumb or pinky.

She's 2 now, and growing up so fast! I am so happy I've been able to be a part of her growing up. She can be a pain sometimes, but hey, so can I! People still love me! :-) As far as she knows, I am all knowing, all seeing, all powerful... well, maybe not all powerful.... she knows that's Mom's station. hehe But she can still climb up in my arms and get a hug when she's mad at Mommy, she can still come to me to kiss a boo-boo, and make it all better. She still comes in when I'm trying to study just to say "Hi!" and then run away. She's recently learned a new game. She tells me to be "sad" so she can give me a hug and make me happy again. It's adorable! The first time I did it with her, she didnt know what to do about me! She looked as if she was going to cry as she hugged me so tight! Now she understands though that I'm not really sad, but that a hug makes me happy.... she catches on quick! She totally amazes me with what she knows. What a creature! That little baby brain is fabulous!

Ok, now I'm done raving over my incredible baby sister. lol I really am gonna go now... Mom is tempting me with mushrooms...... mmm... mushrooms.... Hey, Jordan, how do you feel about mushrooms?


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