
Oh what a beautiful morning!

Oh what a beautiful day!
The sun is shining, the weather is warmer than it has been the last few days, the snow is MELTING! It's wonderful outside!

Outside my window there is a continuous drip-drip-drip of little drops of sunshine falling from the edges of the roof. There is a glow everywhere from the sun shining off the snow. People are out and about enjoying the warmth of today. What a wonderful end to the work week!

I just wanted to share that. :-)
Now I'm off to head back downtown for the rest of the day. Tomorrow we are hosting a mens rally at church. We will have a ton of wonderful gentlemen filling the pews of our sanctuary. I love listening to them sing!! Whoo! (nothing gives me goosebumps like guys who know how to sing, and DO!) I'm really looking forward to it. :-)

Ok, now I'm off. Hugs to all! (especially a special person)

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