
Random Musings

I'm sitting here, listening to Rascal Flatts, eating my chocolate chip cookie dough icecream (my second all time favorite), and just chillin'. Litterally. I should know better then to eat icecream when I'm already cold, but oh well! Who can turn down icecream?? Especially someone who has been craving chocolate for the past 2 days? It was getting to be a desperate situation!! haha

I had a thought that I wanted to write down, but now that I have my keyboard under my fingertips, the though has completely flown away! Poof! Gone! Figures...

So I guess you'll just have to read my ramblings instead! Haha, don't you feel lucky?

I'm thinking about putting up a photo album on my website with all my photos. Like my black and white pics, and my sepia pics, all my serious attempts at photography. :-) I actually have quite a few. Maybe I'll do that in the next week or so...

I got wonderful news this morning! The head honcho for the Extreme Teens, Kelly, emailed me telling me I was invited to attend the upcoming training weekend! I havne't been to any since I left the team (I was 18, kinda just moved on, but still active in the Youth Ministry part of it). I am so excited!

Well, since I have to be up early tomorrow for another day on the town, I should get going... plus, talking about that photo album makes me really want to put it together, so I think I'll go do that now. :-)


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