
Saturday Closing

Well, it was an over all good day. We didn't feel up for going to church, most of us still getting over this bug. I slept in until 8-ish, which felt good. I actually slept better last night than I had all week. Felt soo good! When I did get up, the sun was shining, and I could actually hear birds outside!

I spent a portion of the day out with the family, but after a while, I just felt this urge to close myself off from the family with a book, something I haven't done in a LONG time. Mom recommended some good books, so I grabbed a mug of my yummy cran-raspberry juice, the books, and I crawled into bed to read. (someday I'm gonna have a wonderful alcove with shelves upon shelves of books, and a nice comfy place to just curl up and read the day away... ahhhh)

About an hour and a half later I finished the book, came out to replenish my drink, stretch my legs and get a little lunch. Then to dove back in for another book, which it almost done. Supper was ready before I could finish it, but I promise you, it will be finished before I go to sleep tonight. heehee!

We just finished watching Finding Neverland, which is a WONDERFUL MOVIE!!! It's the second time I've watched it since we bought it Thursday (you can do the math) and I love it more each time I see it.

Oh! I just remembered that I forgot to tell you how the test went on Friday! It went well, I think. I got there at 9:00.... the test started at 9:00. I ran up to the room, and got to the doorway breathless. "Are you Ashley?" met me. I nodded, and took a seat in the last empty chair. There were about 12 other people there for the test, and only one other girl.

First, they showed us a video about using the calculator, and how to fill in the answer sheet. Kinda boring, but I was glad for the bit on the calculator since I've never really used once for school. (Always was just trying to write words on it upside down)

The first part of the test was, just my luck, math. It was in two part, with the calculator, and without. It took me a few minutes to get my mind to focus, the silence in the room was incredibly loud, and the words and numbers seemed to float aimlessly across the pages as if they hadn't a care in the world. Very frustrating when you know you are on a time limit! But over all, I think I did OK.

Next up was the reading section, followed by the grammar section. Those were easy once I got the words to stop floating again. But I was still one of the last to leave, only because I took so long on the essay portion. While others wrote only a paragraph or two, I actually ended up going on to the second provided page... I kinda felt foolish, but hey, once I start writing, it's hard to stop. (as you have seen...)

I hope to get the results in the mail this week. There are three different outcomes, I could either A, pass with flying colors and get recommended for the very next GED exam; B, pass by centimeters, but should probably study a bit more before taking the GED; or C, fail.

I'm hoping I can just get this over with and take the exam. But the closer I get, the more nervous I get. I tell ya, once this is over, I'm gonna be SO ecstatic!

So, I think thats whats been happening lately, at least within the last 24 hours!

I do believe I'm going to turn in for the night soon... (Sorry, been reading wonderful novels set in Cornwall, lovely language. Seriously gonna visit there someday!! I have to! Who would like to join me on a tour of England and Scotland? It's my DREAM to go there!! heehee)

Ok, leaving now. haha!


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