

Ok, yeah, I'm angry. Just dont ask me why because you REALLY dont want to hear about it...

Today was OK for the most part. I made three separate trips downtown, beginning at 8:30, and getting home from the last at 8pm.

The very best part of my day was talking to my someone special. (is it possible to get someone sick via ESP? hmmm *wink*) He can make me smile without even trying to. :-)
I can't wait to see him! Those of you who are going to the prayer retreat in May are gonna have a hard time of keeping me focused, Jordan comes home the Monday after the retreat. YAY!!!

I got to talk to my Fishie today, another one who can cheer me up easily. She actually got me laughing tonight when I was really P.O.ed. Congrats, FIshFish! lol

I mentioned a little while ago that I was reading Job. I've finished it, a couple of mini-post-its and a lot of highlighting later. A good book, though kinda hard to figure out. I think I want to get a commentary on it sometime. I have decided that I want to get a vanity plate for my car that says Elihu, who was the youngest of the friends who came to see Job, and the wisest one. Elihu knew that wisdom didnt necessarily come with age. He had a lot of good stuff to say too. Who knows if I ever will get the plate, but it would be fun. :-) I'm starting in on Isaiah now, I know there's some great gems in there, I just need to take the time to find them!

I finally red the BOOK "A Walk To Remember" over the weekend. (yes, I read it in two days) It's a good book, but the movie is better. The book is told by Landon, who is 57, remembering back to when he was 17 and a senior in highschool. He kinda annoyed me in the book. Anyways, the story takes place in the 50's, so its totally different, and kinda hard to follow at times. Some things are completely corny. But it did make me cry, though not nearly as much as the movie did, I was sobbing when I watched that! Over all, good book... but I think once through was enough for me...
~There ya go, your unofficial book review of the....year~

I get to go to work tomorrow!!! I haven't been there in three weeks, due to being sick. blech. But I think I'm OK now... as long as Jordan doesnt get ME sick now... I'll get to work this week, but next week I'll need off again because I'm going to New York City!! Yay!! I'm going with some ladies who are major supporters of the Extreme Teens... but I'm the only "teen" going! I am very much looking forward to it. Will let you all know how it goes!

Well, it's 10:30... and I DO have work tomorrow... so I guess I should go to bed. My back hurts anyways, and I'm still not in the best of moods because of earlier... I could use some sweet dreams tonight. lol


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