
Wayward Wanderer Returns!

Hello my friends!

I am home from NYC! Wow, what an experience that was! None of us really knew what we were doing or where we were going. You should have seen us trying to figure out which train we wanted!! We had so much trouble with our metro cards too... totally nuts.

But yeah, we went down for a prayer service at the Brooklyn Tabernacle. That is a gorgeous building. The service itself was very...interesting. I felt extremly out of place. Way too many people in one closed place. I couldnt even hear myself think. It certainly was an experience. I can't wait for my prayer retreat at Camp Lawroweld... in the woods... where it's quiet. :-)


On another note, I got home today, and found an envelope on my bed. Upon opening it, I squealed, and ran to show my parents. It was the results from the pre-GED!! I passed!!! I FLEW past!!! To pass, I needed at least a 450 average. My average was 636!!! (my highest score was a 710.) I am SO excited!!! Now, all I have to do is register for the GED, and take it!! I'm almost done!!! YAY!!!! PRAY FOR ME! I still have to pass the GED. Once I get registered for that, I'll let you know when I'm taking the test, and all the info after that.

I think I'm going to close for now. I'm wicked tired from my trip, and I want to do some reading before I go to sleep. Need to stretch too, been sitting almost ALL DAY....

Hmm. My knee hurts too, come to think of it.


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